Friday, September 12, 2008

August Board Report

Lead Minister’s Report to the Board of Trustees
August 15, 2008

My goals have been to: (1) Assure worship services are meaningful and challenging; (2) Administer Chapel business (including staff); (3) regular social & pastoral contact.

Worship Services

Sunday Services. Last month, I was on vacation, and checked in regularly with the staff to ensure we were making progress on our summer plans. Study Leave has occupied me for the first two weeks of this month. I have about half the 30 service topics I need, and am making headway on the last half. In the coming year, we hope to have more “non-competes” when it comes to Sunday fund-raising, and we hope to be able to champion our Social Action projects throughout the year via a “Mission Minute” in the Sunday service.

Chapel Calendar. I have been trying to do more coordination regarding the Eliot Calendar and Sunday Services. Bonnie and I met with Amy Stark to discuss calendar planning for Social Action projects and shared collection recipients and the shared collection calendar. This year, we also will be coordinating with the Partner Church Council (PCC). Last year, we ran into a few glitches. For example, the PCC scholarship kickoff Sunday was also to be a shared collection Sunday.

Chapel Business

Bookkeeper. As you read in the Office Report, our bookkeeper had a heart attack recently, so we don’t have complete numbers for you but we do have a financial snapshot for you.

Membership Coordinator. Citing family concerns, Jennifer Foss has resigned. She has indicated she is available to train the next MC. I believe we need the Membership Coordinator function to keep newer and older members engaged and committed, to help with volunteer recruitment, and some development work. Having a non-member fill this position has not worked out. Hiring a member is fraught with possible complications. After considerable discussion, Bonnie and I think we have an Eliot member as a possible candidate. We will meet privately with that person to discuss possibilities, and will report to the board on our progress.

Summer Projects. Our publications are moving along on schedule. We hope to have the picture directory, the information guide, new brochures, and new business cards ready early next month.

Building and Grounds. You can read about our progress in the Office Report.

Our Neighbors. Our lawyer for the property line dispute notes that we won our court case, and that the neighbors have put up a sign on the side of their RV that is “is retaliatory in nature and highly inaccurate factually and legally.” He recommends we ask them to take the sign down, and if they don’t to make a formal complaint to the City of Kirkwood. I am sending his letter under separate cover. I believe the board should make a decision as to how we should proceed, and that ideally we will decide this at the August board meeting in advance of the program year kick off, September 7.

Disaster Preparedness. I attended a two day conference on disaster preparedness held at Concordia Lutheran Church in Kirkwood. We will be reviewing our procedures for fire drills, earthquake, tornado, and ‘invader’ drills in the coming year. We will be distributing kits for families for disaster preparedness sometime this fall.

Social & Pastoral contact

Community for Understanding and Healing. They have had some book reading and reviews. Bonnie attended the most recent one. Their community conversations start up again in September, and I plan on attending those.

Police Chaplain program. I have signed up for my first “ride-a-long” and will report about that in my blog and board report.

Pastoral Activities. I have been keeping up with Bonnie in this area. And I plan to start my regular pastoral routine (monthly quota of visits and calls initiated by me) in September.

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